Kids who play on a youth sports team can enjoy some tremendous benefits that affect all areas of their life! These not only can help kids at their current age but can come in handy later in life as an adult!
Teamwork requires constant interaction and the ability to work together to achieve a certain goal. Sports teach children to respect people and institutions above them, such as their parents, teachers, and laws. However, most importantly, sports teach kids how to respect their opponents which is a central part of every game. Other social benefits of playing youth sports includes improved self esteem, better goal setting, and a sense of leadership. This is specially important for kids coming from backgrounds of poverty and low opportunities.
Physical activity is generally associated with improved academic achievement and a high degree of success in the classroom. Additionally, kids who play on a youth team often have better attitudes, concentration, and behavior in a classroom environment.
Full Circle CR wants to provide supplies and funding for little league teams for kids from all social backgrounds, encouraging children to work to achieve their goals while having fun!